Exchange crypto to crypto from available ticker pair
This endpoint is used to exchange one cryptocurrency available to the customer for another.
Before making a request to /v2/exchange/internal/crypto, you must make a request to receive rateId to /v2/rate/freeze. This request allows you to "freeze" the exchange rate for a certain (defined by the settings) time.
Unlike deposit-with-exchange and exchange-withdrawal transactions, depositPaymentCode/withdrawPaymentCode is NOT required to receive a freeze rate within this type of transaction, as neither deposit nor withdrawal is used in crypto-crypto exchange.
Crypto exchange can acquire the following statuses:
- Created - operation created;
- Processing - operation in processing;
- OnHold - the operation is blocked (for example, for checking AML);
- Declined - the operation is rejected;
- Completed - the operation is successful.
To provide information about the status of the operation, a callback service is implemented. The link for receiving callbacks should be provided in the cryptocurrency exchange request.
The duration of execution of a crypto exchange is instant.
Information about the amount of operation fees will be indicated along with other operation details.