Freeze rate for operations [Private]

A pre-request for a exchange operations is required only in case when exchange is combined with deposit or withdraw.

Method name:/v2/rate/freeze
Request type:POST


To call private endpoints, you need to get a JWT token or an API key for authentication.

Here you can learn in detail how to successfully authenticate.

This endpoint is used to freeze the exchange rate for a certain time in order to perform the subsequent exchange of one asset for another.
Freeze rate includes the cost of transactions, which are components of the exchange operation (deposit, exchange, withdrawal), so it may change for different types of operations.

For example, for a crypto-crypto exchange operation (target and source assets are already in the client's account), the exchange rate will be more favorable than for a deposit with exchange operation (the client buys crypto for fiat).
The payment method selected for operation can also have an additional influence on the exchange rate.

In order to determine which assets are being exchanged, it is enough to specify the source- and target-asset, where the source asset is the currency being exchanged and the target asset is the currency for which the exchange is taking place. In addition, it is necessary to indicate the source amount (the amount that the client is ready to spend as a source asset) or the target amount (the amount that the client wants to receive).


Good to know:

If you indicate sourceAsset, then targetAsset will be calculated automatically, and vice versa, if you indicate targetAsset - sourceAsset will be calculated automatically.

For the correct calculation of the freeze rate, it is necessary to specify the operation type for which the freezing is carried out.

Deposit and withdrawal payment methods witch available for operation types can be obtained using a pre-request of operations.


It's important:

The default freeze rate time is 30 seconds. This value can be changed for different types of currencies.

Data dictionary

NameTypeParameter typeRequiredRangeDescription
sourceAssetstringBODYYES-Source or base Asset code.
targetAssetstringBODYYES-Target or quote Asset code.
sourceAmountintBODYNO-Amount for sourceAsset.
targetAmountintBODYNO-Amount for targetAsset.
operationTypestringBODYYESDepositWithExchange, WithdrawWithExchange, CryptoExchange, BuyToSendCryptoThe type of operation for which you are requesting a pre-request.
depositPaymentCodestringBODYNO-Deposit payment code (only for DepostWithExchange and BuyToSendCrypto operations). You can get it via a pre-request.
withdrawPaymentCodestringBODYNO-Withdrawal payment code (only for WithdrawWithExchange and BuyToSendCrypto operations). You can get it via a pre-request.
withInternalFiatbooleanBODYNOtrue, falseShow if operation processing with merchant fiat funds (only for DepositWithExchange, WithdrawWithExchange, BuyToSendCrypto).
walletIdstringBODYYES-Unique identifier of customer wallet in Kuna Core.
refUserIdstringBODYNO-ID of another customer.
(For the referral program, if your service supports it).

Exemplary request

// Exchange 11 USDT to ETH.
const url = BASE_URL;
const path = "/v2/rate/freeze";

const body = {
  operationType: 'CryptoExchange',
  withInternalFiat: false,
  sourceAsset: 'USDT',
  targetAsset: 'ETH',
  sourceAmount: '11',
  walletId: '1f44b1c7-9fd4-4d20-b9a4-7aca3646d0d5'

const options = {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    accept: "application/json",
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": `Bearer ${data.accessToken}` // data.accessToken - generated a JWT token via /v2/auth/login.
  body: JSON.stringify(body),

fetch(url + path, options)
  .then((response) => response.json())
  .then((showResponse) => console.log(;
# Exchange 11 USDT to ETH.
import requests

url = BASE_URL
path = "/v2/rate/freeze"
headers = {
    "accept": "application/json",
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": "Bearer " + data.accessToken # data.accessToken - generated a JWT token via /v2/auth/login.
body = {
  "operationType": 'CryptoExchange',
  "withInternalFiat": False,
  "sourceAsset": 'USDT',
  "targetAsset": 'ETH',
  "sourceAmount": '11',
  "walletId": '1f44b1c7-9fd4-4d20-b9a4-7aca3646d0d5'

request = + path, headers=headers, json=body)
// Deposit 10 EUR and exchange to USDT.
const url = BASE_URL;
const path = "/v2/rate/freeze";

const body = {
  operationType: 'DepositWithExchange',
  withInternalFiat: false,
  sourceAsset: 'EUR',
  targetAsset: 'USDT',
  sourceAmount: '10',
  depositPaymentCode: 'payment_card_eur_hpp_europe',
  walletId: '1f44b1c7-9fd4-4d20-b9a4-7aca3646d0d5'

const options = {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    accept: "application/json",
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": `Bearer ${data.accessToken}` // data.accessToken - generated a JWT token via /v2/auth/login.
  body: JSON.stringify(body),

fetch(url + path, options)
  .then((response) => response.json())
  .then((showResponse) => console.log(;
# Deposit 10 EUR and exchange to USDT.
import requests

url = BASE_URL
path = "/v2/rate/freeze"
headers = {
    "accept": "application/json",
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": "Bearer " + data.accessToken # data.accessToken - generated a JWT token via /v2/auth/login.
body = {
  "operationType": 'DepositWithExchange',
  "withInternalFiat": False,
  "sourceAsset": 'EUR',
  "targetAsset": 'USDT',
  "sourceAmount": '10',
  "depositPaymentCode": 'payment_card_eur_hpp_europe',
  "walletId": '1f44b1c7-9fd4-4d20-b9a4-7aca3646d0d5'

request = + path, headers=headers, json=body)
// Exchange 10 USDT to EUR with withdrawal to a bank card.
const url = BASE_URL;
const path = "/v2/rate/freeze";

const body = {
  operationType: "WithdrawWithExchange",
  withInternalFiat: false,
  sourceAsset: "USDT",
  targetAsset: "EUR",
  sourceAmount: "10",
  withdrawPaymentCode: "payment_card_eur_europe",
  walletId: "1f44b1c7-9fd4-4d20-b9a4-7aca3646d0d5",

const options = {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    accept: "application/json",
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": `Bearer ${data.accessToken}` // data.accessToken - generated a JWT token via /v2/auth/login.
  body: JSON.stringify(body),

fetch(url + path, options)
  .then((response) => response.json())
  .then((showResponse) => console.log(;
# Exchange 10 USDT to EUR with withdrawal to a bank card.
import requests

url = BASE_URL
path = "/v2/rate/freeze"
headers = {
    "accept": "application/json",
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": "Bearer " + data.accessToken # data.accessToken - generated a JWT token via /v2/auth/login.
body = {
  "operationType": "WithdrawWithExchange",
  "withInternalFiat": false,
  "sourceAsset": "USDT",
  "targetAsset": "EUR",
  "sourceAmount": "10",
  "withdrawPaymentCode": "payment_card_eur_europe",
  "walletId": "1f44b1c7-9fd4-4d20-b9a4-7aca3646d0d5"

request = + path, headers=headers, json=body)
// Deposit 10 EUR and exchange to USDT with withdrawal to a wallet.
const url = BASE_URL;
const path = "/v2/rate/freeze";

const body = {
  operationType: "BuyToSendCrypto",
  withInternalFiat: false,
  sourceAsset: "EUR",
  targetAsset: "USDT",
  sourceAmount: "10",
  depositPaymentCode: "payment_card_eur_hpp_europe",
  withdrawPaymentCode: "crypto_withdraw_trx_usdt",
  walletId: "1f44b1c7-9fd4-4d20-b9a4-7aca3646d0d5",

const options = {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    accept: "application/json",
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": `Bearer ${data.accessToken}` // data.accessToken - generated a JWT token via /v2/auth/login.
  body: JSON.stringify(body),

fetch(url + path, options)
  .then((response) => response.json())
  .then((showResponse) => console.log(;
# Deposit 10 EUR and exchange to USDT with withdrawal to a wallet.
import requests

url = BASE_URL
path = "/v2/rate/freeze"
headers = {
    "accept": "application/json",
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": "Bearer " + data.accessToken # data.accessToken - generated a JWT token via /v2/auth/login.
body = {
  "operationType": "BuyToSendCrypto",
  "withInternalFiat": false,
  "sourceAsset": "EUR",
  "targetAsset": "USDT",
  "sourceAmount": "10",
  "depositPaymentCode": "payment_card_eur_hpp_europe",
  "withdrawPaymentCode": "crypto_withdraw_trx_usdt",
  "walletId": "1f44b1c7-9fd4-4d20-b9a4-7aca3646d0d5"

request = + path, headers=headers, json=body)

How to call private endpoints here

Swagger here


  "data": {
    "sourceAmount": "11",                                   // Amount spent.
    "sourceAsset": "USDT",                                  // Asset of the amount spent.
    "rate": "0.00025717",                                   // Exchange rate.
    "targetAmount": "0.00282887",                           // Amount received.
    "targetAsset": "ETH",                                   // Asset of the amount received.
    "walletId": "1f44b1c7-9fd4-4d20-b9a4-7aca3646d0d5",     // Customer wallet ID.
    "createdAt": "2024-03-08T13:38:25.758Z",                // Freeze сreation time.
    "expiredAt": "2024-03-08T13:38:55.758Z",                // Freeze expiration time.
    "id": "2dcb5764-8705-4be6-b0ec-7fcad833dd96",           // Freeze ID (rateId).
    "feeDeposit": "0",                                      // Deposit fee (only for DepostWithExchange and BuyToSendCrypto operations).
    "feeDepositAsset": "USDT",                              // Asset of the deposit fee (only for DepostWithExchange and BuyToSendCrypto operations).
    "feeWithdraw": "0",                                     // Withdrawal fee (only for WithdrawWithExchange and BuyToSendCrypto operations).
    "feeWithdrawAsset": "ETH",                              // Asset of the withdrawal fee (only for WithdrawWithExchange and BuyToSendCrypto operations).
    "feeTrade": "0",                                        // Fee for trading operation.
    "feeTradeAsset": "ETH",                                 // Asset of fee for trading operation.
    "totalFeeSourceAsset": "0",                             // Total fees of the base (Source) asset.
    "totalFeeTargetAsset": "0"                              // Total fees of the quote (Target) asset.
  "data": {
    "sourceAmount": "10",
    "sourceAsset": "EUR",
    "rate": "0.94767",
    "targetAmount": "9.381933",
    "targetAsset": "USDT",
    "walletId": "1f44b1c7-9fd4-4d20-b9a4-7aca3646d0d5",
    "createdAt": "2024-03-08T17:33:27.459Z",
    "expiredAt": "2024-03-08T17:33:57.459Z",
    "id": "77db4f0e-07c5-408b-8e61-4e696b2fb879",
    "feeDeposit": "0.1",
    "feeDepositAsset": "EUR",
    "feeWithdraw": "0",
    "feeWithdrawAsset": "USDT",
    "feeTrade": "0",
    "feeTradeAsset": "USDT",
    "totalFeeSourceAsset": "0.1",
    "totalFeeTargetAsset": "0.094767"
  "data": {
    "sourceAmount": "10",
    "sourceAsset": "USDT",
    "rate": "0.9799755",
    "targetAmount": "9.11",
    "targetAsset": "EUR",
    "walletId": "1f44b1c7-9fd4-4d20-b9a4-7aca3646d0d5",
    "createdAt": "2024-03-19T17:02:44.008Z",
    "expiredAt": "2024-03-19T17:03:14.008Z",
    "id": "673d2232-7aa7-4858-a2f9-b754db2b83a9",
    "feeDeposit": "0",
    "feeDepositAsset": "USDT",
    "feeWithdraw": "0.19",
    "feeWithdrawAsset": "EUR",
    "feeTrade": "0.5",
    "feeTradeAsset": "EUR",
    "totalFeeSourceAsset": "0.704099",
    "totalFeeTargetAsset": "0.69"
  "data": {
    "sourceAmount": "10",
    "sourceAsset": "EUR",
    "rate": "1.010178",
    "targetAmount": "10.000762",
    "targetAsset": "USDT",
    "walletId": "1f44b1c7-9fd4-4d20-b9a4-7aca3646d0d5",
    "createdAt": "2024-03-19T17:11:13.741Z",
    "expiredAt": "2024-03-19T17:11:43.741Z",
    "id": "bb893681-8cd9-4834-b5fe-3aae40f56bad",
    "feeDeposit": "0.1",
    "feeDepositAsset": "EUR",
    "feeWithdraw": "0",
    "feeWithdrawAsset": "USDT",
    "feeTrade": "0",
    "feeTradeAsset": "USDT",
    "totalFeeSourceAsset": "0.1",
    "totalFeeTargetAsset": "0.101018"