General API information
General information you need to know before using the API.
Base URL
The base URL is:
Request/response schema
All requests and responses are application/json content type and follow typical HTTP response status codes for success and failure.
The list of API endpoints
Here is a quick summary of endpoints.
All endpoints require authentication:
To call private endpoints, you need to get a JWT token or an API key for authentication.
Here you can learn in detail how to successfully authenticate.
Private endpoints | Description |
/v2/asset | List of available assets |
/v2/rate/equivalent | Market rates |
/v2/ticker | List of tickers |
/v2/balance | Get all wallet balances |
/v2/customer/create | Add customer |
/v2/customer/update | Update customer |
/v2/customer/find | Search of customers |
/v2/customer/details | Details of customer |
/v2/customer/suspend | Suspend customer |
/v2/exchange/pairs | Available ticker pair to exchange |
/v2/exchange/external/pre-request | Pre-request for exchange |
/v2/exchange/internal/crypto | Сrypto to crypto exchange |
/v2/exchange/external/deposit-with-exchange | Deposit with exchange (pay by fiat) |
/v2/exchange/external/withdraw-with-exchange | Exchange with withdraw (receive fiat) |
/v2/exchange/external/buy-to-send-crypto | Buy crypto to send to address |
/v2/exchange/external/buy-to-send-crypto/retry | Retry with new address |
/v2/rate/freeze | Freeze rate for operations |
/v2/rate/calculate | Calculate approximate rate for operations with exchange |
/v2/deposit/pre-request | Pre request for crypto deposit |
/v2/deposit/address | Deposit address generation |
/v2/withdraw/pre-request | Pre-request for crypto withdraw |
/v2/withdraw/crypto | Crypto withdraw operation |
/v2/transfer/pre-request | Pre-request for transfer |
/v2/transfer | Transfer |
/v2/operation/find | Search of operations |
/v2/operation/details | Details of operation |
Updated about 1 month ago